Can You be Vegan in Ghana? The “Ghanaian Vegan” Shares His Exciting Journey


Can You Be Vegan in Ghana? The “Ghanaian Vegan” Shares His Journey as a Vegan Living in Ghana

Hey! I’m Zuu, The Vegan in Ghana, and I have a story to share! Grab some snacks and let’s explore my journey into the colorful world of plant-based living right here in Ghana. 

Let’s set the scene: picture a typical day for a young man in Accra, Ghana, where the aroma of jollof rice and the sizzle of grilled tilapia fill the air at lunchtime.

That was my world not too long ago, savouring every bit of our rich and flavorful Ghanaian cuisine. But then, something happened that changed everything – I stumbled upon the concept of veganism.

Where to Start with Veganism: How I Became a Vegan.

At first, I’ll admit, I was skeptical. How could I, a proud Ghanaian meat lover, give up my beloved fufu and goat light soup? Eggs? Shrimp? Impossible! It was a sentiment shared by people close to me who were familiar with the way I ate at the time.

But the more I delved into the vegan lifestyle, the more intrigued I became. It wasn’t just about what I was giving up; it was about what I was gaining – a newfound appreciation for the planet, my health, and animal lives.

So, after a lengthy period of research, unlearning and relearning, armed with determination and a dash of curiosity, I embarked on my vegan journey. And let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride – in the best possible way!

The Ghanaian Vegan

What are the Challenges of a Vegan?

One of the looming hurdles I faced was reimagining Ghanaian cuisine without meat and/or dairy. But guess what? It wasn’t as challenging as it seemed. Ghanaian cuisine is so much more than just meat. Ghanaian food is inherently plant-based.

I found that with a few tweaks, I could make my favourite meals vegan and thus, continue to enjoy the flavours I’d grown accustomed to my whole life. With a little creativity and a whole lot of experimentation, I discovered a treasure trove of plant-based ingredients and flavours that had been hiding in plain sight.


Vegan meals in Ghana

How Expensive is Veganism?

Take palava sauce, for example. Traditionally made with fish or meat, I found that substituting tofu or mushrooms not only gave it a hearty texture but also elevated its taste to a whole new level!

The icing on the cake is that  plant-based eating is one of the most affordable diets. I discovered that a vegan diet reduced food costs by up to one-third due to the use of whole foods over meat and meat products which is amazing. So you don’t have to worry about food costs.

The Life of a Vegan in Ghana

Of course, navigating social gatherings and family dinners came with its own set of challenges. I mean, try explaining to your grandma why you’re passing on her famous chicken stew without causing a mini-family feud. But over time, my family and friends began to embrace my vegan lifestyle, with some even joining me on my culinary adventures from time to time.

But it’s not just about the food – being vegan has opened my eyes to a whole new world of compassion and mindfulness. Whether it’s reducing my carbon footprint or advocating for animal rights, every meal I eat feels like a small step towards a more sustainable and compassionate future.

For me, being vegan isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. It’s about making conscious choices that align with my developing values and having a whole lot of fun along the way.

So, to quote a short man we may both know: “Fellow Ghanaians!” Don’t be afraid to spice things up, and embrace the beauty of plant-based living. Whether you’re a seasoned plant eater or just dipping your toes into the veggie pool, there’s a whole world of flavour waiting to be explored – one delicious meal at a time.

Are there Vegan Restaurants in Ghana?

If you are wondering where you can find vegan-friendly meals in Ghana, do not worry. Many people in Ghana are now getting used to the idea of veganism. Due to this, most restaurants now have vegan-friendly meals and a menu that offers you a wide range of options. So feel free to embark on your vegan journey and I promise you will have a fun ride.

Zuu Gbedemah


Visit the Ghanaian Vegan



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